This page describes who actually sponsors the Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire and who makes up the Games Participants.

The Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire (The Games) sponsor is The Prescott Area Celtic Society or PACS a 501(c) (3), that exists to promote cultural pride in Celtic heritage through education, special events and the annual Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire. It is a love of all things Celtic which drives our totally volunteer organization.

The Games are made up of different organizations that have a common theme. Celtic heritage or interests. They are: Clans, Social Organizations, Vendors, Athletes, Clubs, and for Profit or Non-Profit organizations, and Businesses.

Here is a brief description of the most popular participants at our games.


A Clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or ancestor. The kinship-based bonds may be symbolical, whereby the clan shares a “stipulated” common ancestor that is a symbol of the clan’s unity. Clans can be most easily described as tribes or sub-groups of tribes. The word clan is derived from ‘clann’ meaning ‘family’ in the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages. The word was taken into English about 1425 as a label for the tribal nature of Irish and Scottish Gaelic society. Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan.


The Daughters of the British Empire in the United States of America (“DBE”) helps to support four residential retirement and/or nursing homes with regular contributions made possible by fundraising events. Local chapters also support local charities.

Scottish American Military Society – (SAMS) – Prescott Valley, Arizona local Post #1314, “Granite Mountain Highlanders”. The Scottish–American Military Society was founded and chartered in North Carolina, April 12, 1981, as a non-profit national organization with the following purpose:

To preserve and promote Scottish and American Armed Forces customs, traditions, and heritage, by:

    • Providing a forum for exchange of military history and genealogical information

    • Conducting public education programs

    • Presenting military student honor awards

    • Supporting Scottish activities at Highland Games

    • Making contributions to qualified scholarship funds or institutions

    • Making appropriate charitable contributions

    • Providing a fraternal atmosphere for members

The Society was founded as a veteran’s organization. The membership is composed primarily of veterans of Scottish ancestry who have served –– or are serving –– in the Armed Forces of the United States and the Commonwealth. If you support the purposes shown above, we would welcome your membership if you qualify. Membership is open to honorably discharged veterans or active duty or reserve military persons who have served or are serving with any branch of the United States or Commonwealth Armed Forces, as well as their family’s .

Entertainment Groups – For profit companies that provide entertainment through music, dance, education, entertainment setups for the youth, i.e.: rock climbing, bungy jumps, mechanical entertainment etc.

Southwest Skye Pipes and Drums – The purpose of Southwest Skye Pipes and Drums, a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization, is to further interest in the Scottish Bagpipe and Drum Tradition and share our common interest in this culture by performing at Highland Games, parades, and parties, as well as offering individual pipers and drummers for private ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, and other events. Our performances include Scottish and Irish dancers and vocalists.


Whisky Tasting – Scotch Whisky (often referred to simply as “Scotch”) is malt whisky or grain whisky made in Scotland. All Scotch whisky was originally made from malt barley. Commercial distilleries began introducing whisky made from wheat and rye in the late eighteenth century. To differentiate between other whiskies and Scotch Whisky the scotch dropped the “e”.
Scotch whisky is divided into five distinct categories: single malt Scotch whisky, single grain Scotch whisky, blended malt Scotch whisky (formerly called “vatted malt” or “pure malt”), blended grain Scotch whisky, and blended Scotch whisky. Under the Scotch Whisky regulations, a “Single Malt Scotch Whisky” must be made exclusively from malted barley. Keeping with our Celtic customs Irish Whiskey will also be available to taste.

Athletic Events – The Scottish Highland Games athletic events are older that the Greek Olympic Games. It is thought that the Greek Olympic Games got their inspiration from the Scottish Highland Games. There are eight athletic events: Braemar Stone, Open Stone, Heavy and Light Weights for Distance, Heavy and Light Hammers, Weight for Height, and Caber. We are very proud that quite a few world records have been established at our Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire

Pipe and Drum bands / Bagpiping competition – Bagpipes and drummers, offering Celtic music and marching bands. Pipe band and solo competition are Nationally sanctioned at our Prescott Highland Games & Celtic Faire.

Highland Dance Competition – Sanctioned competitive Highland Dance Competition. These dancers are part of the national Highland Dance Competition, one of which is held at our own Prescott Highland Games.

Children’s Glen – For the youngsters they get to play to with caber tossing, face painting and many other theme based games.

Main Tent Entertainment – We bring the best live Celtic Entertainment to our games that we can! It is nonstop music and dancing throughout the Main Tent.


The Vendors at Highland Games fall mainly in two groups. Food and Merchandise. There are food and merchandise venders that specialize in Celtic food and wares. Other vendors that offer food and merchandise that varies like that of a county fair. It is all good and fun.

Within the vendor/education category are many non-profit organizations that will come to educate the people on local issues with city, state and national level. We have educators that will hold classes on things Celtic, others with subjects of interest i.e.: quilting, weaving, spinning wool and reenactors of the past (The 1700 Jacobite/Highland Rogues).